Is the World turning Green?

As Syria joins the rest of the world in ratifying the Paris Accord on Climate Change isn’t it about time we all did a little more green action? There is a misconception that to be “green” you have to wear knitted sandals and sport a two foot long beard (and that’s just the women!) but life’s not like that. Giant journeys start with one small step and so it is with saving our common home, the Earth. If we all did one new thing, one small green step, then quickly we would move to a more sustainable better way of living.

Green action doesn’t just mean spending money on windmills or buying more expensive organic meat. There are many ways of reducing our footprint on the planet like pulling the curtains at dusk to keep the day’s heat in. These only require us to think a little more or change our daily routine – switching off lights when we leave a room etc. I got a bit fed up reading all about these expensive or life changing ways to be green so I came up wth a few of my own. Over the last year I’ve been sharing these on my local church bulletin each week; prompted by Pope Francis’s letter in 2015 called Laudato Si or Care for our Common Home.

Some of these ideas may seem not very directly green but its important to realise that being green means being human, fully and in all the deep senses of that word. So its as much abut being at peace with yourself as using recycled materials. The only way we will save our home is by cooperating together so we need to get to a place where we can all do that. That means we don’t fight; we respect each other; we realise just how marvellous we all are. So my little green hints have as much to do with mindfulness as energy efficiency.

So why not read my twitter over the next few weeks to see these little hints? Especially now as we can use 280 characters not 140! Wow, all the extra words…. And for those not twitting I’ll collect them together and make some kind of bloggy thing!

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